Saturday, 4 September 2010

(S6谣言剧透) 可以把人鱼换成鸟吗?

…That’s not true of television, where a budget might stretch to prosthetics or CGI, but not both (quick! pick one! now rewrite to make it work) or you might find yourself being told that, no, we can’t make the Undersea Dancing Mermaids sequence work because the underwater cameras would blow the budget even before you factor in the mermaid tails but we already have a bird costume so could you just make all the mermaids into birds instead? And you’re sure you can, you can’t just quite figure out how...*

BBC说 .....无法拍摄人鱼在海底跳舞的场面因为海底摄影会让整部剧超支.我们有一些鸟的戏服,要不要把人鱼全都换成鸟?


据说S603 Neil Gaiman的剧本已经改成举行的娃娃屋 Doll House
剧名可能是The House of Nothing.

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